Like most Americans, I would consider myself a Patriot. But my love for my country is based on reasons that many Americans would not immediately think of. Many Americans are patriots because of the opportunities to improve one's economic status(even though government intervention into the economy has made economic improvement much more difficult). Many if not most Americans are patriots because we have the mightiest military in the world and are willing to use it to supposedly "make the world safe for democracy", as Woodrow Wilson described US intervention into World War 1. Many Americans have used their patriotism to support an aggressive foreign policy of empire and interventionism (which is actually called jingoism). Other Americans use their patriotism to promote government intervention into the economy to promote nationalism (which usually includes protective tariffs, corporate welfare, and increased government spending). But none of these descriptions accurately portray a true American Patriot.
As Congressman Ron Paul has stated in his new book Liberty Defined: "To be an American patriot means to love liberty." He is absolutely right. Our country was founded on a solid foundation liberty and natural rights which allowed our society to become one the most prosperous and most freest society in human history. The American society was founded upon the great principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy. But sadly, the American tradition of our Founding Fathers has almost been buried. By promoting the ideas of the original American Patriots like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, or Patrick Henry, one many find themselves labeled as "extremists" or "radicals".
The purpose of this blog is to promote those great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy. I am further inspired by the words of Jacob Hornberger when he stated :
"Imagine: A society with no income taxation or IRS -- people were free to keep everything they earned and there wasn't anything the government could do about it. No Social Security, no Medicare, no Medicaid, no welfare, no systems of public (i.e., government) schooling, no drug laws, no immigration controls, no Federal Reserve, no legal-tender laws, few economic regulations, no gun control, no torture, no huge standing army or military-industrial complex, no going abroad in search of monsters to destroy or to spread democracy with bombs, missiles, and bullets.
What was the result of this unusual society? Only the most prosperous nation that mankind had ever seen! When people were free to accumulate wealth, massive amounts of savings and capital came into existence, making workers increasingly productive. The reason that thousands of penniless immigrants were flooding American shores every day was because they not only had a chance to survive, for the first time in history they had the chance to become wealthy. People were going from rags to riches in one, two, or three generations."
I hope that my efforts will help reclaim the Republic, and restore the Constitution.
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