Libertarians and libertarianism have been under attack by the so-called "experts" lately in a more vicious and frequent manner. Mike Konczal has recently written an article entitled "We Already Tried Libertarianism - It Was Called Feudalism". In this article, the author attempts to pin libertarianism to the feudal system of the Middle Ages. Michael Lind at thinks that he has come up the ultimate anti-libertarian trump card in the form of "the question libertarians just can't answer": If your approach is so great, why hasn’t any country anywhere in the world ever tried it? Tom Woods has effectively responded to such as question, twice. This has led Michael Lind to say that libertarians need to "grow up".
In the political swamp known as Washington D.C., mainstream politicians, especially the neoconservatives, are denouncing Edward Snowden's whistle-blowing of the National Security Agency's program of spying on American citizens while applauding the NSA and reassuring Americans that they don't have anything to worry about. Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the most unwavering neoconservatives in Washington D.C. has also denounced "Ron Paul's policies", claiming that such policies of peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations are a "threat to America. As Chris Rossini writes,
The ideas of Liberty are like kryptonite to the neo-con mind, which seeks conquest, subjugation and obedience. Lindsey Graham embodies that mindset like no other: faced with the ideas of liberty and the policies produced by the ideas of liberty, he recoils in horror!
Why have libertarians been denounced with such ferocity lately? Because more and more people are beginning to see that libertarianism is the answer to the political and economic problems facing the United States and the world while rejecting the authoritarianism of the U.S. government and it's propagandists, which makes them feel threatened. Chris Rossini goes on to say that,
The stream of controversies that have hit government over recent months have given us many more open ears and open minds to reach. It is up to us to educate and share with others the beautiful ideas of Liberty.
The Neocons will fight tooth and nail to keep fear, apprehension, and paranoia in the limelight. For liberty does nothing but throw a monkey wrench into their nefarious plans.
The major battle is over which America shall prevail: the original version, which was grounded in the principles of liberty, peace, commerce and non-intervention. Or, the modern neo-con version, which is grounded on surveillance, war, cronyism and Empire.
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